Isn't it pretty! I'll explain the difference after the cut.
It all boils down (I presume) to the thickness of the felt. I tried some felt I picked up today at Joann's (grand opening! Hello $10 gift card + $20 gift card from my mom + 50% off coupon). It's much sturdier. Here, I took pictures to demonstrate between it and the felt I used from Michael's before.
See, it's all floppy whereas the Joann's felt isn't. VICTORY.
Don't the felt letters look so much better?! I used whatever settings were currently on the machines + deep cut blade + multi cut 2.
I've also cut out more pieces of an apron and my buggy cover for my sister. It's probably what I'm going to make later. I intended to make the aprons, but it requires bias tape which I forgot to grab (alas!). I have yet to decide if I want to buy it or MAKE IT. It's gonna at least give me the opportunity to test out my bias binding foot!
Now, off to walk the dog. Hopefully I have something new to show you and have lost more weight after my 2nd boot camp session tomorrow. Oh, and for the most part, I GOT THROUGH A SPIN CLASS.
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