And before my sister (or anyone else) gets the big idea that they can buy me the CD and then I shall be their embroidery workhorse in exchange, I counted. I already have 129 designs. So buying the CD would be greatly double dipping for me and just plain not worth it.
At least I'm thrifty. I rarely buy when there is no sale. Last time I got 34 designs/design sets for $15. I figure I'll be embroidering shirts until my niece is 8 or so. 7 more years!
In other news (I have no pictures yet), I have been doing ridiculous amounts of sewing, so expect pictures soon. And lots of prep work.
- Made a tailcoat on Sunday and a vest to match on Monday. (Cursed garments I tell you.)
- Made 113 more magnets with the cricut. More notes on that to come (learned a few things).
- started pinning the pleats for Katherine's skirt. I'm trying to pin one "finished" yard a day. Yay for rotary scissors. By my best guess, I need 9 finished yards to do the 3 layers. This is based on the thinking that the hoop is 140" around.Anyone know the formula to get the circumference of a slice of a cone? Geometry post?
- bought the pleather for Ilythia's belt. And found all her jewelry + a little more (I'm sorry, the bracelet just looked like too much of something she would have).
When I come back on Monday, I'll have more magnets and 2 bib necklaces to finish. At least it's all started.
So yep, busy.

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