Sunday, March 6, 2011

Stained Table Top

Despite the flooding of yesterday, I managed to put the first coat of stain on my table top. I had hoped that one would be enough to make it a similar color to the existing shelves, but alas. It did cover it pretty well. And yay for finding the stain from redoing a buffet bought from friends (who oddly enough bought it from target) to match a table...that I got from Target.

Here's the result of the first coat:

For some reason, I kind of dislike buying perfectly-done, full-priced furniture. I can think of few pieces in my house that I didn't buy at least on sale (including my couches...which were clearanced!). All but one piece of my bedroom furniture was bought at Pier One closing sales (which are the best closing sales) or was dinged up. I found the last piece the other day, also dinged up and so it was on sale for $200 off. I didn't buy it yet though. 

I've got the aforementioned buffet which was originally stained a natural color and now is the color of the above table. I bought a GIANT computer armoire from Office Depot for $150 last year and distressed it and painted it green. 

I might have a furniture re-doing problem. And I'm running out of places to put it all. At least it looks pretty and makes my house MY home. 

Right now I'm waiting for my tivo to catch back up to real time so I can go upstairs and make something on the sewing machine. Hopefully I'll get it done in time for a post tomorrow.  Oh and beside the table top is a white board piece I'm trying to do stuff with with my dremel. We'll see how that goes. 

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